Monday, February 09, 2009

Last week we had to take little Dylan into the emergency room. He suddenly became allergic to penicillin. He broke out and started to swell up at the joints. He came home the same day and back to normal. No more penicillin for him or Aidan!! He was the perfect patient. Very brave.


Anonymous said...

Dear sweeties,five! This picture scares me, no message with it so would like to know the details. Papa Richie said Dylan had had a re-action to penicillin. I called mama and papa on mama's birthday and found out the news of his problem. Do hope he is better, please let me know when you can.
Love always, grandma/gr-grandma

Lynn said...

Oh, no! Is he ok??

Anonymous said...

Oh that is terrible!!

~Dylan Lohse